Friday, March 25, 2011

$5 off Tangled 4 Disc Blu-Ray

Disney has a $5 off coupon for the new Blu-Ray release "Tangled". The modern take on the classic fairy tale Rapunzel, Tangled is a lush CG animation that is worth owning. Log into your Disney Rewards membership (it's free to join) and print off your coupon.

For those who wish to win instead, My View View has a great Tangled prize pack that they're giving away. Enter here:

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Lays Chips!

Lays has a new line of chips out. Using the time honored tradition of making chips with kettles, these give that distinctive crunch. Combined with unique flavours and they have a new hit on their hands.

win some swag here:

Saturday, March 19, 2011

New contest giveaway

Mommy Kat and Kids has a new contest up. They're giving away a $30 3V Visa voucher. 3V Visa cards are safe to use and they're a great way to control and track your spending.

Win one @

Friday, March 11, 2011

Why I'm fabulous

I'm #Fabulous because I maintain a sense of humour and try not to let things get to me. For example for some unexplained reason (I suspect Aliens) my pinkie finger started to hurt. Now what reason could Aliens have with my diminutive appendage? Could it be I'm a test case to see if world domination can be achieved by disabling the world population? Could it be that they need to harvest my finger because eons ago they lost theirs and now they decided they want it back? Maybe they're playing a practical joke?

I think as part of my overall Fabulousness (sp?) I will need to setup an anti-Alien barricade system around my bed. Bear traps should do.